World's No.1 Crypto Exchange Used by
more than 500 Million Users Globally

Securely Buy, Sell, and Hold Cryptocurrencies
like Bitcoin at Low transaction Fees

BinancePartner Sign up as a new member and receive various event benefits!

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If you sign up for membership by pressing the JOIN button, complete the KYC,
and make atleast 100USDT future transction , you will automatically participate.

Once a Week

To the member who achieved the highest volume of transactions.

We will compensate you for USDT.

  • Top 1: 20,000 USDT
  • Top 2: 5,000 USDT
  • Top 3: 3,000 USDT

We are going to draw lots among all the participants

We give you 250USDT to for 100 People


BinancePartner Exchange

FAQs about events and giveaways

BinancePartner Exchang You can find information on frequently asked questions regarding various event-related checks and bonuses

Bonuses provided by the exchange can be obtained by completing various conditions or missions.Alternatively, it may be paid upon new sign-up.Using the bonus, users can enjoy various benefits, such as using it for spot or futures trading or receiving a commission rebate.

BinancePartner's new sign-up bonus can be received after signing up using the affiliate link of a partner company that has officially partnered with the exchange.
In the case of BinancePartner, unlike other exchanges, there are cases where it is impossible to participate in the event at all if you do not receive an invitation and sign up.
Therefore, please keep this in mind and sign up through the link on this page to receive rewards normally.

It is one of the bonuses provided to users by BinancePartner and can be used as margin in futures trading. Profits earned from those bonus orders can be withdrawn.

Join the trustworthy and innovative BinancePartner


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